Saturday, February 13, 2010

My surprise blessing...

Today was a "WOW" day for me but I didn't go very far away from the hotel. I didn't visit any Holy sites. But I've been touched and blessed! You know, I've been to Israel quite a few heart is here and I love the land and it's people and I am blessed to work for LeSEA and to be able to come often. But sometimes, like today, I wasn't touched by the country or by a specific place I visited - I found myself touched by the people who have come here to experience it. I've gotten to know so many people in the group and I'm amazed how God has put the right people in our lives at just the right time. I'm not surprised...just amazed! I'm sure everyone in this group would agree that God has His mighty hands all over us, working His perfect will into our lives, opening our eyes and hearts to not only His home...but to each other.

Only in this very special place, only this week and only with these God chosen people placed here all together by His loving hands.

Today I went to the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem. I didn't go alone, I went with another tour member to help her with some paperwork. This remarkable woman shared a fraction of "her story" with me. And as my chest grew heavy and my heart broke, she reassured me that God has blessed her (and even others) through the hardships that she is experiencing. All I can tell you is that she touched me and this is a day that will be engraved in my heart. And this amazing woman will be someone that I will always remember.

Humbled by His love,

1 comment:

  1. Celebrating Amelia's home coming. Our loss is Heavens gain.
