Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Listening to God...

I was blessed this November to meet 68 amazing people on the LeSEA Israel Tour.  These 68 individuals heard the calling from God to walk in His footsteps and not only listened - they ACTED on it - and were blessed in return.

So many times we hear God speaking to us, we feel His urging and the tugging on our hearts but do nothing and miss out on the blessings that He wants to give us. When God is leading you to walk in the Holy Land, he is preparing to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

But I know...it's hard to act.

Some of your family and friends give you a strange look when you mention it to them.  "Why would you want to go there?"  They ask.  Most people will tell you, "It's not safe!" And by this time you will begin to doubt yourself.  Doubt God.  Of course none of these people have actually BEEN to Israel themselves and obviously God is not speaking to THEIR heart...yet, you still hesitate, do not act and miss out on God transforming your life.      

These 68 people would tell you that they too faced their friends and family and the media.  But they pressed onward, trusting God.  Do not let other people determine the direction of your life!  If God is leading you to visit the Holy Land, it is for a beautiful reason.  Talk to people who have traveled to Israel and learn the facts before listening to the media. 

Your life changing moments in the Holy Land could be just around the corner!

If you are ready to act, contact us to receive a free information packet about how you can travel to the Land of the Bible with us.  1-800-685-3732 or www.leseatours.com.


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