Friday, June 14, 2013

Tuesday – Our first steps in the Holy Land!

What a beautiful June day to arrive in the Holy Land!  Our first stop was Caesarea! The group stretched their travel legs and walked among the ruins in awe.  The waves of the Mediterranean Sea crashing around what used to be the capital of the Roman Province really helped to wake everyone up from the flight.  They went on top of a roof of a monestary on Mt. Carmel and saw a spectacular view of the Valley of Armageddon.  Had their first falafel for lunch and stopped at Megiddo before coming to the hotel!  Whew!  Welcome to the Holy Land!

You know when you haven’t been to Israel before, you really don’t know what to expect.  We all watch the news and formulate our own perceptions.  We create a vision in our mind of what it might be like in Israel.  This week I am watching the transformation of 41 perceptions change.  This is one of the best parts of my job.  I have yet to encounter anyone who has come to Israel and left disappointed.  Sadly, because of the media we have an apprehensive first opinion of the Holy Land before we get here. We don’t know what to expect really…I have been asked a multitude of questions that reflect the impressions that we receive from 24 hour news programs  - will be given gas masks when we arrive? Can we drink the water?  Will we have our own bathroom in the hotel or will we have to share? Is there internet?  Do I need shots?  Does anyone speak English?  First let me tell you all questions are good questions, I love questions!  Because it confirms to me that God has placed the desire to travel to Israel on your heart or you wouldn't be asking them!  Now let me tell you that no gas masks are needed in Israel, you can drink water right from the tap and the hotels are modern just like the U.S. so you will have a beautiful place to stay!  The internet is available just about everywhere and many of the busses that we use even have free WiFi on them now!  No shots are needed and about everyone you will run in to here speaks English – and our guide of course speaks great English!  So…I’ve been watching the perceptions change.  Lots of smiles and laughs and also some emotional moments that include damp eyes.  It touches me to witness so many people have their heart moved to such an extent.  I'm honored to be with these people who have come here for the first time and didn't know what to expect - yet came in FAITH anyway!  To watch them fall in love with this place just as I now understand what it's really like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus... in this place, the very spot on earth that God chose for His home!

Here are some pictures of our Tiberias days!
First, the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee!  Jesus walked on these waters!!!

Pastor Marc Royer delivered a "wow" message on the water.

At the Primacy of Peter we played in the waters of the Galilee and found small stones to take home.

We are now in Jerusalem!  So stay tuned for my next update and think about when your first trip to the Holy Land will be!

Shalom Friends!

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