The reason it's sealed is facinating and you simply must come here to find out why! Let's just put it this way...No amount of cement and rock will keep Jesus from returning through this gate when He returns! Nice Try!
From there we went to the Pools of Bethesda and a stop in Saint Anne's Church for some beautiful singing inside an ancient church made for fabulous acoustics. While we were there we noticed that John Hagee was up front singing and praying for people! It was quite a moment for some people.
Look at Anne's face...She's pretty thrilled don't you think?
Walking the stations of the cross was touching and and also an exciting adventure! The Old City market was crazy busy! It's normally crazy but add the "busy" to it and wow!
Hair cut anyone?
At the end of the day Pastor Blakes blessed us with words God provided to him and I could see it on some faces that when he described the day and God's hand on it, that they agreed and felt it too. Off to bed with wonder on how the next day could top this one...