Sunday, June 20, 2010
It's technical!
In the meantime, if you have friends and family on the tour, know that they are having a wonderful time! It’s hotter than average this week and it has worn us out. But overall this has been a beautiful time to be in Israel. Today is the “free day” and 38 people went on the Masada optional tour. I know that they will enjoy getting into the Dead Sea today and cooling off. Tonight we celebrate our farewell dinner together because tomorrow morning we board our flight to come home. Seems like yesterday we just got here…yet we have seen and learned so much that my head is spinning. I’m sure that I’m not alone!
We had an emotional communion service at the Garden Tomb yesterday. It was great to see that tomb empty and to remember… (pictures coming soon!)
We walked down from the Mount of Olives to the Garden of Gethsemane…visited the Upper Room… I tell you these are amazing places to visit. We will be coming home changed people that’s for sure!
Home soon –
Friday, June 18, 2010
Taking it all in...
We left this morning heading north and our first stop was Beit She'an, Israel's largest archeogical dig. Beit She’an is a fascinating place; huge and inspiring. A whole city destroyed in an earthquake now uncovered to teach us. I daydream about what it would have been like for me to live back then in this once elaborate city.
Back in the air conditioned bus we head for the Sea of Galilee… a lake actually which is now called Lake Kinneret. This is in the Galilee region of Israel where Jesus spent most of his time. This area, as far as you can see is quiet and peaceful! They can't build a church over the lake...and the have strict rules about buildings built around the around here it's easy to picture Jesus walking along the water's edge and spending time ministering. We boarded a wooden framed boat very appropriate I would say; to represent a boat Jesus would have taken out on the water.
Before we could sail out to the middle of the lake and cut the motors I looked around and saw people weeping with emotion. I saw faces turned outward onto the lake and hillside, silent in contemplation and I saw hands raised.
My heart aches as I share this experience with people who feel the same way I do. THIS, is my favorite place…
Pastor Al spoke briefly and Ronnie, one of our guides gave us some details of the area before we headed to the other side of the lake for lunch. St. Peter’s fish! (optional of course)
The day passed and most of the group was anxious for our last stop. The baptism! Wearing white robes…I heard someone say that our group looked like angels!
The water was refreshing both physically and spiritually. While waiting their turn in line people sang hymns and prepared their hearts. They were getting baptized in the Jordan River just like Jesus did!
Emotions were high, tears were shed – I saw one woman sob gently after she was baptized, overcome with the opportunity to be in the Jordan River and grateful for our Lord’s sacrifice.
Most of us came here not knowing anyone but I saw today what a closes bond that is being made in the group; looking out for one another, supporting each other physically and spiritually. I can see life long friendships being made already!
It was a beautiful life changing day... what are you waiting for? Come to Israel!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Breathtaking day 1
It wasn’t long and we were traveling along the Old City walls to the Dung Gate. This is the gate closest to the entrance of the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. The Temple Mount was our first stop – climbing the walkway gave us a birds eye view of the Western Wall that not many people have the opportunity to see. Amnon stopped here so we could take pictures. It was breathtaking!
We wondered through the Christian Quarter, the Jewish Quarter and Cardo to end up at the Western Wall. We burned a lot of calories today! It was hot, sunny and I was thankful I wore my comfortable shoes!
The Western Wall is a moving place for me. Over 3 million people visit the wall annually. I have to pinch myself because I just can’t believe I am here. I had prepared several prayers on small pieces of paper and when I went down to pray I found peace slipping the prayers into the cracks in the wall. I prayed for so many things and so many people and then…I just gave them all over to Him. Your Will be done is all that kept running through my mind.
If you know me, you know that I love the sun, warm weather and summer time. I drive my kids crazy because I don’t run the air conditioner in the summer. I have a pretty high heat tolerance you might say. But today…after all that walking, when we got back into our air conditioned luxury bus that our bus driver had stocked with water…I was so grateful for Michael Faraday (the inventor of the air conditioner)!
Last stop… Yad Vashem. Coming to Yad Vashem is a necessity to any trip to Israel. Visiting this memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust is heart breaking and leaves me with a knot in my throat for 2 hours. Walking through and hearing the stories, seeing the pictures and items recovered from this tragedy is tough – but so important. Part of me wants to outright sob at times and then I turn the corner and I find myself extremely mad. Mad that the world sat by and did nothing. Nothing! Oh don’t get me started!
I had time to relax before dinner and guess what…it was OUTSIDE!
I’d love to hear from you… any messages you want me to pass on to your loved ones on the tour? Just let me know!
Exhausted and blessed,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Saturday, 630am to Monday 5:30pm blessing..
My journey to get to Tel Aviv began at the airport on Saturday at 6:30am – and I didn’t arrive until 5:30pm on Monday! The difficulties I’ve experienced on this road to Jerusalem are all part of the adventure and the plan and part of the blessing. Yes, even waiting 10 hours for a connection, then sitting on the runway for 3 hours and then a cancelled flight…a blessing. It hasn’t been a piece of cake but God never promised us easy living here on earth. There’s a lesson in this! And a blessing in this!
Tonight I met the group as they arrived into the hotel. We passed out room keys, gave directions to dinner and explained how to work the unusual elevators! It was lots of fun to meet the people that Lumi and I have talked to on the phone! I learned that some people in the group had their own struggles to get here… luggage has been lost, a flight was overbooked and someone was bumped, aches and pains and no sleep just to name a few. But they all pressed on and they are here! (ok, well the one who was bumped will arrive tomorrow, with a blessing to share I bet!) I look forward to meeting everyone and learning the story of how God brought them here at this moment in time. Everyone has a story. By the end of this week we will see how the difficulties triumph into blessings… and the people that you kissed good-bye yesterday? Well,they will return no doubt changed; because when you come to Israel whether it's your 1st time or 100th'll never be the same. Stay tuned!
Side note to Mary and Naidean…tomorrow is the wall!
Goodnight for now,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Counting down...
If you want to keep track of the group while we are in Israel you can come back and visit. I'll send pictures and daily updates!
With butterflies,