Scott and Jane Johnson say hello to those special blog viewers! You know who you are! We had a beautiful day in the Lord today! Scott and Jane are just two of the many smiling faces!

Today we went up north to the Galilee. Our first stop was Bet She’an. This is the largest archeological dig in Israel and is simply amazing. You could literally spend 2 full days here exploring the city that was destroyed in a major earthquake. It’s one of my favorite spots actually and what a beautiful day!

The sun was out and we enjoyed temperatures in the high 70’s! (Sorry all of you who are snowed in back home!)
After Bet She’an we moved onward to Tiberias. This is the area of the country where Jesus lived and performed most of His miracles…very awesome! We got on a boat that looked a lot the “Jesus boat” that was discovered years ago. (A boat that scientists feel date back to the time of Jesus.) Looking around the area from out on the boat was so beautiful.

The hills surrounding the lake were the greenest I’ve ever seen! Usually the hills are bare and brown because of the lack of rain, but today after a lot of rain in the last few weeks the hills are very green and beautiful! The water on the lake was pretty choppy and there were several times that waves splashed up and blessed our clothes and hair with the water that Jesus walked on! We cut the motors, sang songs, and Pastor David Sumrall talked about Peter and letting God use our failures…

Then he renewed the marriage vows of two couples on the tour. What he said about marriage…wow. He made us all stop and think…

The day was one goose bumps moment after another. After the boat we ate at St. Peter's fish! Well, most of us. Jessica and I thought we'd try out the pasta since the fish looks back at you while you eat it...and if you've read my blog, you know my rule about eating things that look back at you. (It just doesn't happen!) But really it was a fun lunch.
After lunch Capernaum, Mount of Beatitudes, Tabgha and .... yes! The baptism! 80 people braved the cold spring waters of the Jordan River! I'm so glad they did and so are they. I'll just let the pictures of the day speak for themselves.

Tomorrow I have some work business...but it's interesting so come back here about it AND I'll give you the latest group update!
Oh, and a crazy picture of Mary and Naidean! ha!