I'm sitting on my balcony and thinking about the amazing day we just had. Car's are honking their horns, loud vehicles pass on the street 8 stories below me, groups of people laughing by the pool to my left. Jerusalem is like a different world from where we just came from - the Galilee.
We left this morning heading north and our first stop was Beit She'an, Israel's largest archeogical dig. Beit She’an is a fascinating place; huge and inspiring. A whole city destroyed in an earthquake now uncovered to teach us. I daydream about what it would have been like for me to live back then in this once elaborate city.
Back in the air conditioned bus we head for the Sea of Galilee… a lake actually which is now called Lake Kinneret. This is in the Galilee region of Israel where Jesus spent most of his time. This area, as far as you can see is quiet and peaceful! They can't build a church over the lake...and the have strict rules about buildings built around the lake...so around here it's easy to picture Jesus walking along the water's edge and spending time ministering. We boarded a wooden framed boat very appropriate I would say; to represent a boat Jesus would have taken out on the water.

Before we could sail out to the middle of the lake and cut the motors I looked around and saw people weeping with emotion. I saw faces turned outward onto the lake and hillside, silent in contemplation and I saw hands raised.

My heart aches as I share this experience with people who feel the same way I do. THIS, is my favorite place…
Pastor Al spoke briefly and Ronnie, one of our guides gave us some details of the area before we headed to the other side of the lake for lunch. St. Peter’s fish! (optional of course)
The day passed and most of the group was anxious for our last stop. The baptism! Wearing white robes…I heard someone say that our group looked like angels! 
The water was refreshing both physically and spiritually. While waiting their turn in line people sang hymns and prepared their hearts. They were getting baptized in the Jordan River just like Jesus did!

Emotions were high, tears were shed – I saw one woman sob gently after she was baptized, overcome with the opportunity to be in the Jordan River and grateful for our Lord’s sacrifice.
Most of us came here not knowing anyone but I saw today what a closes bond that is being made in the group; looking out for one another, supporting each other physically and spiritually. I can see life long friendships being made already!
It was a beautiful life changing day... what are you waiting for? Come to Israel!